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2025-02-05 01:03:01
本文摘要:Chinas first artificial intelligence (AI) textbook series designed for primary and secondary school students is expected to be introduced into hundreds of campuses across the country in 2019.明年全国将有数百所学校引进我国首套为中小学学生设计的人工智能(AI)教材。Chinas first artificial intelligence (AI) textbook series designed for primary and secondary school students is expected to be introduced into hundreds of campuses across the country in 2019.明年全国将有数百所学校引进我国首套为中小学学生设计的人工智能(AI)教材。The textbooks will be used for elective courses or as part of school-based curriculums.该教材将作为科目或校本课程的教材。Significant progress is being reported in China in AI technological research and development, with authorities now moving to promote AI-related education.据报导,我国人工智能技术研发获得了重大进展,有关部门于是以著手前进人工智能涉及的教育。
According to the publisher, East China Normal University Press, the series will have 10 volumes, with six volumes published so far.据出版发行方华东师范大学出版社讲解,该套丛书共10册,目前已出版发行6册。Each has its own theme, with 12 to 14 main chapters and 2 to 4 chapters of activities. This series covers the educational demands of students from primary school to high school on AI and provides a systematic framework of AI knowledge.每册都有自己的主题,包括12-14个主要章节、2-4个活动内容章节。该系列教材涵括了学生从小学到高中的AI教学市场需求,获取了系统的AI科学知识框架。The books have been used in three schools in Shanghai as a pilot program and well received by students, according to Wang Jiqing, chief editor of the series.丛书主编王吉庆回应,这套教材已在上海的三所学校先行试用,受到了学生们的青睐。